Monday, December 22, 2008

Fanticipation: Monsters vs. Aliens

Watch TV on PC - 12,000 TV Channels and Movies And, of course, the film also has plenty of detractors – in this case, probably the same kind of people who choke on the barrel of a gun every holiday season. But to be fair, the problem many of these folks have with “Monsters vs. Aliens” is the easy comparison drawn to two of Pixar’s most cherished titles – “Monsters Inc.” and “The Incredibles.” Sure, any fool can see it, but what the hell’s wrong with that? At least they’re not giving us another “Bee Movie” or Shrek sequel…not now, anyways. Also, this comparison is based almost entirely on the look of the film – yes, a CG animated film featuring monsters and aliens will more than likely look quite a bit like “Monsters Inc.” and “The Incredibles.” But at the center of “Monsters vs. Aliens” I can feel a Godzilla movie as its heart and soul. And that’s a really great thing as it’s been a few years since we’ve had a new Godzilla movie and it will be several more years before we have another – not counting the 3D IMAX Godzilla film supposedly hitting theaters next year. Looks like 2009 could be huge for giant 3D monsters, so can’t we all just get along?

source Watch TV on PC - 12,000 TV Channels and Movies

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't believe anyone would say MvA looks in any way shape or form with "Monsters Inc" or "The Incredibles" The only similarity it has with "Monsters Inc" is the use of the word Monsters and as far as similarities with "The Incredibles" maybe it is the similar look or Ginormica and Elastigirl and as far as I’m concerned both of those reasons are ridiculous.