Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Conor Nolan finds 3D animation in Monster vs Aliens very exciting

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THERE has been much debate recently about 3D and its potential growth in the UK. So when the Dreamworks' big boss Jeffrey Katzenberg invited me to see a preview of his new 3D animated movie, Monster vs Aliens, I simply could not resist, writes Conor Nolan.

3D is of course not new and has been around since the 1950s, but the advent of digital projection technology has allowed it to advance leaps and bounds.

As I sat down in the cinema I was given a pair of odd looking sunglasses to watch the latest Dreamworks animated flick and what an experience it was: I was treated to about 30 minutes worth of clips from Monster vs Aliens and it was dazzling.

You literally feel that you are in the thick of the action as it unfurls on the big screen and on several occasions I actually ducked and moved my head to avoid objects hurtling towards me.

Monster vs Aliens opens next Easter and a slew of 3D movies are set to follow including Toy Story 3D, A Christmas Carol, Shrek 4 and the highly anticipated James Cameron blockbuster, Avatar.

Katzenberg said: "3D is the next revolution in the cinema-going experience." But with the costs of installing the technology so high, I wonder whether the cinema owners in The South West will be prepared to invest in the hugely expensive servers and hard drives required to plug into existing digital projectors?

There are only 65 digital 3D screens in the UK so we may have to wait a while longer to see it in 3D – although the film is also released in a format cinema goers can enjoy without 3D specs.


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